ur Story

Juice Works 3D was conceived by founder Andrei Dacko after winning a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams STEM product-design grant with a group of his former high school students in 2009.

Their product invention - a new and improved version of the student desk - and the story behind their efforts to solve this wicked problem were so impactful that they were featured in the award-winning film “InvenTeens” .

This ignited Andrei’s desire to make design-based learning, through 3D digital making, accessible to kids everywhere and, in so doing, unleash their creative and inventive capacity (aka “Juice”) in ways that they, and the communities they live in, never dreamed of.

Since it’s inception in 2019, and with the help of its partners, Juice Works 3D has reached hundreds of students in in the Shenandoah Valley and beyond with its digital making skills programs and continues to serve students from all backgrounds in both urban, and rural, settings.

To empower kids to experience learning outside the box, instead of just checking the box, through our exciting, industry-focused, digital maker STEAM programs.

Our Mission

“A creative education has the power to catapult children into a lifetime of curiosity.”

— Liz, Founder of Little Comets Academy

Joy of discovery and design

Unconventional approaches to problem solving

Individual expression

Collective creation

Exceed expectations

Core Values


To empower future generations of self-actualized design-thinkers, digital makers, inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs capable of solving problems that do good.


camps launched


students fueled


hours of learning and counting


in scholarships


learning center partnerships

Start fueling the minds of our future today!

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