What’s a Business & Industry Partner?

Enabling access to digital skills and machines, bringing relevance, and teaching real-world contexts are key tenets of our mission. Our business and industry partners help us achieve just that. Any business or related industry, especially those focused on design, technology, and manufacturing, interested in working with us to create a bridge for kids between the skills they learn in our programs, and the products or services you offer, is an ideal business & industry partner candidate.

Why Partner with Juice Works 3D?

Thousands of children with aptitudes in design and fabrication (aka making), especially those aged 9-12 in urban and rural communities, are facing digital, economic and structural, and cultural divides too great to catalyze, let alone cultivate, a generation and future talent pipeline of skilled problem solvers, inventors, innovators and more.

Coming on board as a business and/or industry partner with JuiceWorks 3D means you can help us play a critical role in closing those divides to cultivate a future-ready workforce while we provide you with a turnkey partnership resource that affords you the opportunity to:

  • expand your community outreach and engagement to early ages in order to increase parent and child awareness of your role in the community. This is especially beneficial for our industry partners who are constrained by site visit age restrictions.

  • accelerate your talent pipeline development through our industry-aligned STEAM programming without committing in-house resources.

  • establish a direct link into the classroom for your business or industry to share your voice in a mentorship capacity

  • help break down access barriers for students, and learning centers in need, by providing scholarship support and program-based resource donations (i.e. raw materials, etc.)

  • enable existing Juice Works 3D learning center partner sites to sustain digital design and fabrication, and potentially source some of your own, among their student body long after we’ve left.

Catalyze Change. Inspire a Movement.

Business and industry partners don’t just work together with us to catalyze design-thinking, digital design and fabrication skills training for kids. Our business and industry partners also provide the tools, mentorship, and financial support needed to support our joint mission! Think of your support as an investment in future-ready innovation ecosystems, fueled by a skilled talent pipeline, capable of sustaining and scaling the favor of your support!

Did you know?

Your support helps break down these barriers…

Access to the technologies and programming we provide has typically been reserved for specialized high school and higher education programs. That’s too late! The result? A bottle neck that gets hands-on, skill-based learning to only a fraction of the students required to support our nation’s growing need for future inventors, innovators, and a skilled technical talent pipeline. Many elementary and middle school students don’t even have access! The only way to eliminate this bottle neck is to start early. That’s why our focus is on kids 9-12yrs old!  


The 70:20:10 rule states that only 10% of learning and career success is attributed to formal, in-class learning but 70% is attributed to real-world, experiential learning experiences - learning experiences that teach how to ask the right questions and solve the right problems. The conclusion? Formal and/or traditional learning is not enough. Business and industry partners help us flip that paradigm by serving as champions for the type of real-world learning experiences that we provide through our programming.


The expense, expertise, and time required to plan and deliver high-quality digital design and fabrication programming puts it out of reach for most learning centers, especially at the elementary and middle school levels. Your support helps us lift that burden completely because we provide all equipment, expertise, and programming - including subject matter expert guest speakers, mentors, and more - without interfering with class time!


Ready to start the conversation?

If you think your business or industry is ready to start the conversation about becoming a Juice Works 3D business & industry partner let us know! Get in touch with us. We’d love for you to drop by one of our running camps or simply get in touch below.